Windows XP SP3 WIN7 STYLE 2009 v.18.1
In connection with the emergence of a new operating system WINDOWS7 is not all it is available, and many difficult to restructure, but almost everyone's taste and style design of the new operating system. The authors therefore decided to introduce a maximum indentichnosti style WIN7 in the corporate version of the Russian Microsoft Windows © XP SP3 Professional, include all available updates for the year 16.01.2009, v. e integrated into the system last apdeytpak of Dzheymszero UpdatePack-XPSP3-Rus-9.1.16 2009.
Year: 2009
Version: SP3
Size: 697 MB
Platform: PC
Compatibility with Vista: No
System requirements: Minimum.
Language: Russian only
Tabletka: Present
Developer: putnik
Disk multizagruzochny, included the aforementioned apdeytpak and extrimpack; © dimadr aka snake 16.07.2008 repack Secmac 19.11.2008
Building with original style and design, to optimize tvikami at work on weak machines, as well as a collection of professional Acronis BootCD Professional, which consists of:
True Image HOME Rus v.11.0.8059_RU (Full & Safe mode) with Universal Restore,
Disk Director Suite v. 10.0.2117 Rus (Full & Safe mode)
The development of the project has the active participation of a talented artist and designer AVAnto. The style of building has a maximum similarity with the new operating system Windows7. To ensure that the quality of the assembly not assigned appearance was held optimization system.
MD5 ISO: FE41D7DC688903E234012E3720F4DEA1
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KB948698 KB948720 KB948877-v2 KB949033 KB949127-v2 KB949764 KB949900 KB950234
KB950312 KB950616 KB950982 KB951072-v2 KB951163 KB951312 KB951347 KB951531-v2
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KB958071 KB958149 KB958200 KB958244 KB958282-v2 KB958347 KB958644 KB958817
Fully automatic
At the pre-selected section and the method of formatting. In the BIOS pre vystavlyaem first boot from CD-ROM. Reboot, and if you ask the disc press ENTER. Installation of automatic (for the T13 may be a delay-wait-all will be). Predostalena opportunity (WINNT SIF Editor) entering the organization, change the key to its (proposed valid), the selection of the region, the keyboard layout. Provided a choice of drivers (the list above). The first, second frameworks are established automatically no longer stavil.Izvinite is a CD.
Subject to default - Zune
Enter a classic under his own name. (OOVE - a style of decoration).
In order to display sleep mode (to whom it should be) after installation go to papkuWindows and let there reg file-MSGINA.
By the individual characteristics of the assembly includes avtoran new generation (of development based on the author and designer Prokazza)
Given the opportunity to install out of the old OS.Pri that will need to enter the switch-keys on the disc.
Version corporate-activation is not required. Being tested (for the moment) to offsayte.
Integrated Addons
Addons \ DelVideoDrv
Addons \ Z_DRV_INST
Addons \ 1-BaseCSP
Addons \ 1-Flash
Addons \ 1-GPPC
Addons \ 1-IMAPI2
Addons \ 1-LLTD
Addons \ 1-MSXML
Ad dons \ 1-MU
Addons \ 1-PkgInst
Addons \ 1-Rootsupd
Addons \ 1-WGA
Addons \ 3-dllsfull
Addons \ 3rdparty
Addons \ 9-WMP11RUS
Addons \ Akelpad
Addons \ amlmaple
Addons \ AntiSpy_397b3
Addons \ Autorun5_7W
Addons \ CabTools
Addons \ CCleaner
Addons \ CPLDAPU
Addons \ Cur12
Addons \ Del MSNExplr
Addons \ Del Pinball
Addons \ Del ZoneGames
Addons \ Del_MultiPort29012008
Addons \ Del_prn_02052008
Addons \ Del_Scaner23102007
Addons \ Del_SCSI-4_03022008
Addons \ DelMouseTour
Addons \ DelNetMeeting
Addons \ DelUtopia
Addons \ DelWallpapers
Addons \ DelWinTOUR
Addons \ DirectX
Addons \ DotNet
Addons \ Extremepack
Addons \ FileMenuTools541
Addons \ FixQL_icon
Addons \ Flash_Player
Addons \ Fonts
Addons \ Gadgets
Addons \ HashTab03092008
Addons \ IE7_Reload
Addons \ K illcopy
Addons \ KLiteFull
Addons \ MPCHC
Addons \ OEMInfo
Addons \ ResPatch
Addons \ RunPath3_0
Addons \ screens
Addons \ Sounds Vista 2.0
Addons \ SPTD
Addons \ tcpip
Addons \ ThemeAply
Addons \ Themes
Addons \ Unlocker
Addons \ UxTheme
Addons \ WBV_L
Addons \ WinRAR3.80final
Addo ns \ WSidebar
Addons \ XP Disk Drive
Addons \ Z_DelWMPSkins
Addons \ Z_DelWMPTour
Addons \ Z_WSE
Addons \ z-Log
Addons \ Zune
Drivers with a choice. Some drivers are removed, the remaining perepakovany of brands in order to avoid confusion. (Updated on January 2009)
-Monitor_wnt5_x86-32 _104_Greg_B
Integrated by default
AVATARS-character display of the user in the Start menu
dllsfull-an additional set of libraries neohodimy for the normal work of the applications
ICONPACKager 3.2
LOGO (logo display processor in the System Properties tab)
OEMINFO-there is information on the support.
Themes-style package so the relevant assembly
WALLPAPERS.exe (add, in my opinion, the most beautiful)
WinRar 3.8.-c working key
Do not listed that appears in the integration addonami-it vistovsie cursors and package skrinseyverov and avatarki and last DirectX.exe etc.
My Computer, Control Panel Add
My Computer-Add 'Folder'
My Computer-Add 'Service' in the context menu
My Computer-Add the Add / Remove Programs in the context menu
Explorer-Associate additional file types with Notebook
Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Tiles
Explorer-Classic Control Panel
Explorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut to
Explorer-Show the name of the disc before the drive letters
Explorer-Show the full path in the address bar
Desk-icon 'Internet Explorer'-Show
Desk-Icon 'Korzina'-Show
Desk-Icon 'My dokumenty'-Show
Desk-Icon 'My kompyuter'-Show
Desk-icon 'Network okruzhenie'-Show
Network-Disable automatic search for network folders and printers
Some of the shut-first for fast downloads and optimization, if necessary, they can run. (All above)
Examples of sounds
Assistant Search
color scheme
Windows mesenger
Indexing Service
Service messages
Code 4 download :
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